中條 順子
愛知県岡崎市出身。田畑に囲まれた町に生まれ、虫取りに夢中になったり、食べられる野草を研究しながら下校した幼少期。結婚を機にしぶしぶ始めた料理にいつの間にかハマり、ビーガンを独学で学ぶ。2015年、at the table est 2015をオープンし現在に至る。
Junko Chujo
Born in Okazaki-Shi Aichi where are surround by rice and vegetables filed. While she came home from school,
she became addicted to caught insects, also she studied which wild grasses could be eat.
After she got married, she started to cook reluctantly.
However, she addicted to cooked more and more. She had learned Vegan by herself.
In 2015, she’’be opened “at the table est 2015”.
school / 料理教室
CHUJO JUNKOのアトリエキッチンでは、毎月行う「料理教室」や、他業種の講師をお呼びした「定期講座」などを開催しています。どうぞお気軽にお問い合わせください。
recipe development / レシピ開発