一日 いちぢつ


To be prepared.

喫茶 | at the table est 2015


From Table to Peace.


詳しくは 喫茶 at the table est 2015 のウェブサイトをご覧ください。

"Everyone can eat"

That's why I keep vegan.

There are many people in the world who have allergies and / or religious reasons who have limited food options for a variety of reasons. However, I believe that if everyone can surround one table and eat together, the world will be more wonderful.

From Table to Peace.

This is my wish.

〒444-0046 愛知県岡崎市連尺通3-7
3-7, Renjakudori, Okazaki-shi, Aichi, 444-0048, Japan
[ google mapで見る ]

電車でお越しの方  名鉄「東岡崎駅」より徒歩約15分
お車でお越しの方  岡崎ICより車で約10分。お近くのコインパーキングをご利用ください